St John Rigby Catholic Primary School

St John Rigby Catholic Primary School


Well done to Years One and Two for their excellent showing in Friday's heats.

Not that we ever doubted their talent but contestants from Years One and Two turned up at our SJR heats and showed a judging panel of Mr. Palmer and Year 5 and 6 organisers just how talented they are. They did their year groups proud.

Children did their own interpretative dances to Symphony (Isabella D), Uptown Funk (Lena with excellent shoulder dancing), Power (Gabriella, Leila, Ellie, Lauren and Christine with a selection of individual and paired routines with quality cartwheel work), No More Sad Songs (the two Mayas with excellent comedy forward roll work) and Best Day of My Life (Sophia and Charleen - routine had a great fun factor).

Special mention must go to the Year One troupe of Zuzia, Kuba, Marcos and Marcie. Their dance to Despacito was very high on the "cute-ometer" as they performed in their fairytale woodland costumes which included a fully dressed bear.

Finally, thanks to all of the Year 5 and 6 organisers who not only set everything up but were even on hand to help one or two of our younger contestants overcome their stage fright. 

The judging panel meet on Monday to decide on finalists. Tough decisions ahead!