Today in assembly our CAFOD Harvest Fast Day plans were launched.
This year we shall again be collecting foodstuffs on behalf of the Prebend Street Centre for the Homeless and the Bedford Food Banks as part of Harvest Fast Day (Friday 6th October). We appeal to your generosity and ask you to donate items of tinned food, tea, coffee, sugar etc and any items of festive food which will brighten the lives of these homeless people. We shall make the arrangements to take the food and deliver it to the centres. Please do not send perishable foodstuffs, as these cannot be stored.
A special assembly will take place on the morning of Thursday October 12th when the gifts of food will be displayed on the stage as our focal point. Each year group will prepare prayers and sing hymns before we package the gifts and transport them to their local destinations.
This year we have also sent letters out to all offering a "Feast before Fast". The menu on Thursday 5th October will offer pizza (suitable for vegetarians) and wedges followed by strawberry mousse. Usual items such as Jacket Potatoes and packed lunch items will still be available. The cost of this will be £1.50 with 50p of this going to CAFOD. As this is cheaper than the usual school meal price, the difference will be refunded online to those who use this booking method. Children who would like to join in but usually have packed lunches can pay on the day. Many families have already returned reply slips with payment following the letters.
As ever, the generosity of all families is quite overwhelming and we look forward to being able to support those in need within our local community through these campaigns.