St John Rigby's Inclusion and Family Support Worker works alongside pupils and families to ensure that children can achieve their potential at school.
Confidential parent meetings are available to discuss any issues and find a way forward. Support can be offered in school to pupils:
Of separating parents
Where there is illness in the family
Experiencing accommodation challenges - e.g. eviction
Struggling with their wellbeing generally
Experiencing behavioural challenges - support with routines and boundaries.
This list is not exhaustive. Foodbank vouchers can also be issued to anyone in need.
Our Inclusion and Family Support Worker is a member of the school Inclusion Team, working alongside the Safeguarding and Inclusion Lead, Senior Mental Health First Aider and SENDCo to deliver a holistic response to a child's needs.
Referrals can be made for in school provision, to Bedford Borough, the Mental Health Support Team and other agencies.
We welcome any enquiries and, if we are unable to help in school, we will signpost families to sources of support, where possible.
Inclusion and Family Support Worker: Mrs Mary McLoughlin
Please ring the school number and choose option 4.
If you have any concerns regarding your child, parenting or are experiencing any difficulties, then feel free to get in contact.