The information in ‘We are here to help’ can be used to identify the most appropriate person to contact about a query or issue, including the school office number and email addresses.
‘We are here to help’
I want to speak to someone about… | You will need to talk to… |
My child’s learning, lessons, class trips or activities, homework. Extra-Curricular Activities Uniform – Lost / Found Behaviour and/or Bullying Pastoral Support or Wellbeing |
Your child’s Class Teacher. A message on Dojo is suitable to communicate small pieces of information or ask basic questions to the teacher. If the communication requires a discussion, you can message on Dojo to arrange a meeting or email/call the Office to forward your request to the class teacher for you. All communication should be made in the first instance to the class teacher. If, following this, it is felt that there should be an escalation of the communication and / or involvement from Leadership, please: email: or telephone: 01234 401900 For the attention of PHASE LEADERS Reception, Year 1 & Year 2: FAO Mrs Giles Year 3 & Year 4: FAO Miss Diemer Year 5 & Year 6: FAO Miss Asiedu |