St John Rigby Catholic Primary School

St John Rigby Catholic Primary School

"The parish initiates the Christian people into the ordinary expression of the liturgical life: it gathers them together in this celebration; it teaches Christ's saving doctrine; it practices the charity of the Lord in good works and brotherly love."

St John Rigby Catholic School primarily serves the local parish of Saints Philip and James and Holy Cross, working closely with Fr Wayne Coughlin who, as our School Chaplain, visits the school to pray with and talk to children and staff. He also visits regularly to support the Catholic teachings, spending time in each year group throughout the year, and to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation, celebrate Mass and lead other liturgies (for example, on All Saints' Day, Ash Wednesday and on St John Rigby Feast Day). St John Rigby Catholic Primary School | Bedford

We also work in partnership with several parishes across the Deanery of Bedford, including Christ the King, St Frances Cabrini, St Joseph's and the Holy Child and the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Cuthbert's, being fortunate enough to have a number of parish priests who give up their time to serve our community, including Fr Roy and Fr Gregory who sit on our Chaplaincy team.

Many of our families worship weekly at our local Catholic parish church, with some of our children supporting in Mass, as well as also preparing for and receiving their First Confession and Holy Communion. St John Rigby works closely with parishes in preparing our children for the sacraments. After the children have received Holy Communion for the first time in different parishes across Bedford, they are invited to dress up once again and celebrate their Holy Communion Mass in school. This is always a special occasion and parents are invited along to join the celebration.

The children in Key Stage 2 and the School Mission Team also regularly walk to the local parish churches, once every half-term, to join the parishioners in celebrating morning Mass.


St Philip and St James :

Holy Cross :

Christ the King :

St Frances Cabrini (Italian Mission):

Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Cuthbert's (Polish Mission):

St Joseph and the Holy Child :